DCR Test

  • DCR’s Enforcement Unit has a team of neutral investigators who investigate complaints of discrimination and bias-based harassment;
  • DCR’s Legal Unit has a team of attorneys who work with investigators on investigations, evaluating the parties’ legal claims and defenses, and assisting the Director in deciding motions and in reaching ultimate findings in each case;
  • DCR’s Community Relations Unit has a team of community relations specialists who work to prevent acts of discrimination and bias-based harassment through education and community engagement and work directly with impacted communities after civil rights incidents.
  • DCR’s Strategic Initiatives and Enforcement Unit has a team  of attorneys who draft statutory amendments and regulations, issue reports to raise the profile of civil rights issues, draft legal guidance documents, and undertake Director-Initiated Investigations into possible patterns and practices of discrimination.
  • DCR’s Education and Training Unit has a team of trainers who work to proactively educate the public about the Law Against Discrimination and how to recognize and prevent acts of discrimination and bias-based harassment through interactive virtual and in-person trainings.

Anyone who believes their rights under the LAD have been violated may file a complaint with DCR within 180 days of the incident. Click here to learn more about filing a complaint with DCR

Overview of Commission on Civil Rights

  • The LAD created the Commission on Civil Rights to “consult with and advise the Attorney General with respect to the work” of the Division on Civil Rights.  Click here to learn more about the Commission and it’s work.

Mission Statement

  • The mission of DCR is to: prevent, eliminate and remedy discrimination and bias-based harassment in employment, housing, and places of public accommodation throughout New Jersey.

Vision Statement

  • DCR’s vision is: A New Jersey free from discrimination and bias where all people are treated with equal dignity and equal respect and have access to equal opportunity.


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