DCR is excited to celebrate the work of over 175 students who submitted entries to the Youth Bias Student Competition.
We are amazed by the brilliant creativity and thoughtfulness of students across New Jersey!
Video Winner:
Sarai MH., 14, Asbury Park High School
Video Winner:
Mateo G. (Representing Community Ambassadors), 15, Toms River High School South
Thank you to everyone who participated!
Especially our esteemed keynote speaker, Rutgers Law Professor Elise Boddie. All of staff, community and school partners, youth mentors, YBTF members, parents, educators, students, etc. are to be celebrated for your wonderful contributions to the #StopTheHate efforts of the NJ Division on Civil Rights. Stay tuned for details on our upcoming white supremacy event and youth related listening session.
We look forward to collaborating with our youth ambassadors and remind everyone to visit all of our 75th anniversary virtual exhibits here.

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