Statement from Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin on Governor Dick Codey’s Retirement from the Legislature

For Immediate Release: August 14, 2023

Office of the Attorney General
– Matthew J. Platkin, Attorney General

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Governor Codey is the quintessential New Jersey public servant. He has been a fighter for the people of our state for a half century – as a staunch champion for individuals with mental illness, as a leader who made our communities and schools safer, and as a stable, steady hand when the State needed it. Through a half century of service, he always looked out for the people who put him in office and he always stayed true to himself – including his unique sense of humor. Public service is about creating a better future for everyone around you. Indeed, at every opportunity, he did just that. I wish him nothing but the best and congratulate him for all he has accomplished in his remarkable 50-year career.


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